Friday, June 8, 2012

Contemporary Theoretical scenario in Sociology and the Possibilities of Indian Contribution

Contemporary Theoretical scenario in Sociology and the Possibilities of Indian Contribution
Prashant Tripathi1 and Pawan Kumar Mishra2
1. Department of Sociology, V.S.S.D. College, Kanpur, India.
2. Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, K.I.T., Kanpur, India.
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Key words: classical sociology, postmodernism, Indian philosophy, Social Quantum Physics.

It is being widely accepted that era of meta narratives and universalization is gone and only way is multiculturalism. This situation emerged from the failure classical sociological theories. Instead of looking for proper alternate the goal itself is being rejected. But here we suggest that alternate may be found in Indian philosophical tradition.
Sociological theory is going through the process of radical changes. Basic assumptions of Modern or Classical Sociology are being rejected. But no clear alternative is being presented. Classical sociology took Society or System as primary cause and individual consciousness was ignored in the realm of sociology. At best it may be seen in structural-functionalism. The failure of this approach in understanding and solving social problems paved the way for neo-functionalism, post-structuralism, phenomenology and such various other alternative approaches and methods. Overall direction was and is towards postmodernism which leads us towards no proper alternate other than nihilism.
When we try to enquire about root cause, it is found in the basic characteristics of prevalent western ideologies and thought process. It depends upon antitheses and dichothemical classifications. Thus thesis and antithesis never provide synthesis but antithesis after antithesis is produced and that too is dependent upon contemporary situational changes. To be honest, it is not theorization but interpretation. And this deficiency ultimately leads to the conclusion that human nature is something photonic. Thus Social Physics takes the root to be Social Quantum Physics.
On the other hand, Indian sociology never emerged from the western impact and seldom looked to indigenous philosophical roots.  But at this juncture of theoretical void sociology must have too look at traditional Indian philosophies like Vedanta, Yoga, Sankhya etc. as they provide us the tools of solving the problem of complex dilemmas like particularity vs. universality, individual vs. society, unit vs. structure.
1.    Narendra K. Singhi, editors note in Historicity to Postmodernity by Ruchi Banthya, Rawat Publications, Jaipur (India)1994, pp15.
2.    Ruchi Banthya, Historicity to Postmodernity, Rawat Publications, Jaipur (India), 1994, pp152.
3.    Ramkrishna Mukherjee, National Traditions in Sociology edited by Nikolai Genov,  Sage Publications, London, Newbury, New Delhi, 1989, pp136.
4.    Indian Sociology, Yogendra Singh, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2004, pp163-164.
5.    Yogendra Singh, Sociology for India edited by T.K.N. Unnithan and Others, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 1967, pp19, 24.
6.    David Lyon, Post Modernity, preface to 1st Edition, University of Minnesota Press, 2002, pp IX.
7.    P.A.Sorokin, Social and Cultural Dynamics, Peter Owen Limited, London, 1957, pp 699.
8.    P. A. Sorokin, Modern Historical and Social Philosophies, Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1963, pp318.
9.    Jim Powell, Post-modernism, Orient Longman Limited, Hyderabad, India, 2001, pp. 156-7
10. Punarjanm aur Kramvikas, Sree Arvind Society, 1972, pp125.
11. Howard Becker and Harry E. Barnes, Social Thought from Lore to Science, Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1961, pp76.


  1. thanks for providing the information about Contemporary Theoretical scenario in Sociology and the Possibilities of Indian Contribution
    kit kanpur
